Tuesday, March 24, 2009

hey there, pretty girls

Wow! I'm so glad you guys are liking the blog! I was afraid it would end up being just me writing love notes to you 4! :)

So I am so lame that my big night out on the town was Wal Mart with Analise and then I had some sort of fruit smoothie thing at Red Robin's. Yup. And no one sang, Laura! You should totally have grabbed the mike at the DMV. What would you have sung? I'm very curious about that.

What else? Oh I'm very jealous of the LJ and Whit going to visit Nette, aren't you, Ray? I'm so going to go down there for a few days during the summer when James is off and can take care of kids. We need to plan it NOW. I will look forward to that like you wouldn't believe! I have NEVER seen your work or house or anything, Nette.:( Kinda sad, right? But we'll make up for lost time and I will sleep while you work. :)

Ok. love you swirly girly whirlies....like bees love honey...

love, doah head

the craziness.

hello sleesters:)
as you are all aware, i DID get my license:) didnt miss ANY.
met a cute guy in line, asked me for my number, found out he was 16. no thanks. im so excited about this blog it should be illegal. i am currently awaiting my first outing to see kristy and get coffee. since im not allowed to go to riverpark. (its too busy) but hey, at least i get to go out. and listen to my gangster rap:) ha. im stoked. and cheryl put on her note on facebook that all of us have totalled a car. except me. DONT jinx me. that scares the SHIT out of me. im about to pee just thinking about almost dying. dear heavens. on a lighter note, the guy that gave me my official licens "info" at "window 17" was the greatest gay black man ive ever met. i said "you guys need to sing me a song. or SOMETHING." you know what he says? he says" hunny, this aint red robin." ha! i said well. ill sing my own. he gave me the announcer microphone like i was realy going to do it. i kind of wish i had. it was priceless:) i hope all of your days' are going as delightfully as mine:)
i love you all like a fat kid loves CAKE! ha.. oreos. silly ray. dont make fat jokes about me on a blog! ;) (man i love oreos)

Newsies Love

"Senora...Senora Webster"

Monday, March 23, 2009


Slisters, I love you like fat kids love oreos. Like Mickey loves Minnie. Like Pooh loves Piglet. Like Anne loved Gilbert. Like Senora loved Al. "Senora, Senora Webster." I wonder if Boois is going to actually take her drivers test this week. Eh? Boo? Maybe? I wish we were all going to visit Nettie Confetti over spring break. If I didn't have to work I would join. Bummer dude. Hey, Nettie, how long are you going to be here for Easter? I was thinking one night all of us girlies could watch "Anne of Green Gables" at Doah Head's. Okay, I'm going to bed. This is just rambling. Love you oodles and noodles. Logan says "ruff" which in dog means "Hi!" (The text is in PURPLE!!!!!)

Hey Silly Slisters!

Since we don't have anything else to do with our lives, I set up a blog for us. I'll email you the sign-in info so you can add to it. We can all add stuff to it whenever we want. It'll be fun! :) I love you oodles and noodles my silly slisters!!! love, doah head head